Changes in Auditory Processing After Completing the Listening Program Training
Auditory Hypersensitivity in Children with Lyme Disease
Poster :The Listening Program Stress Research
Pilot Study The Listening Program®The Colon
The Listening Program®
Understanding the Science of Sleep
A pilot investigation into the effects of listening to modified classical music, including bone conduction, in improving toilet training outcomes for children with learning difficulties
Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of The Listening Program®
A Quantitative Summary of The Listening Program (TLP)Efficacy Studies: What Areas Were Found to Improve byTLP Intervention?
Sound Health® Nursing Student Research
Identifying the Effectiveness of a Music-based Auditory Stimulation Method on Children with Sensory Integration and Auditory Processing Concerns: A Pilot Study
Preliminary Clinical Trial: Effectiveness of inTime
Pilot Study – The Listening Program® by Dorothy Lockhart Lawrence on behalf of Ann Davies
Music in the Mathematics Classroom SOUND HEALTH® Research
Research Study– The Listening Program® University of Sheffield
Music, Brain Development, Sleep, and Your Baby
Integration of the InTime Technique in the Neurodynamic Program of Assistance to Children with Learning Disabilities
Classroom Survey– Sound Health®
Neural Mechanisms Involved in Hypersensitive Hearing:Helping Children with ASD Who Are Overly Sensitive to Sounds
BrainBuilder® Science References
A Study to Establish Whether the Use of The Listening Program® is Effective in Improving Auditory Skills for Children with Autism
A Pilot study to investigate the efficacy of using the Test of Auditory and Visual Skills (TAVS) for pre and post testing measures
Research Study – The Listening Program
Efficacy of a Sound-based Intervention with a Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and Auditory Sensory Over-responsivity
The Effectiveness Of Auditory Stimulation In Children With ASD
Pilot Study All Saints
Impact of Sound Intervention Training on Auditory Processing Abilities in ED/LD Students
Music and Medicine
NACD’s Preliminary Trial of the inTime Program
Australian School PilotStudyThe Listening Program®(TLP)Karoonda Area School–South Australia
Use of Acoustically Modified Music to Reduce Auditory Hypersensitivity in Children
Examining the effects of ‘The Listening Programme’ on girls with Rett syndrome
What they say…
What are our clients saying about us?
Accomplished Learning Centres
e have been using listening therapies with children with autism since 2005. We started with Samonas in 2005 and began using The Listening Program in 2010.
It is with listening therapies that we have seen the most incredible improvements in the most challenged autistic children. For many of these kids, ABA and other therapies no longer generate many benefits.
Here are a few of our success stories:
Ten-year-old Wesley only spoke by repeating what was said (echolalic). During his listening program, he said his first sentence of his own thoughts, “Mommy, if you say that bad word again you will have to go sit in the time-out chair.” His mother cried for joy.
At five years of age, Ethan talked a lot but no one, no one, could understand a single word he said. His father described him as being like a two-year-old and that was exactly how he was when he first came to our centre. He did not seem like a five-year-old at all. After his very first listening to TLP he went home and was understandable. Two weeks later he seemed very typical. His parents,
grand-parents and other family members are surprised and thrilled!
At age seven, Mackenzie always seemed so sad. He was hypersensitive to touch and wouldn’t let anyone touch him. After two weeks of listening therapy he told his mother he loved her for the first time, wanted to be hugged and held, and cheerfully skipped into our centre.
Sasha was seven when she started TLP. A few months later her mother said: She used to look like there was something wrong with her. You could tell just by looking at her. Now she looks like a normal girl. She still can’t speak but we are hopeful that will come with further use of the program.
We have several children that started speak within only a few days or weeks of starting the program. Others no longer had anxiety disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Separation Anxiety, and ADHD. We have had several parents who are convinced their child no longer meets the requirements for a diagnosis of autism but they don’t pursue that change in diagnosis as they would lose the government funding and tax benefits.
Lisa Pearson,
Accomplished Learning Centres
I used TLP in an early childhood setting with students with a range of difficulties and disabilities – APD, dyslexia, SPD, ADHD, autism, anxiety disorder etc. Some of the best results were with a student with sensory processing disorder and another diagnosed with anxiety disorder but likely to have ASD. When the latter had ‘meltdowns’, the best way to calm him was to allow him to sit in a beanbag and listen to 15 minutes of TLP. We used the program as a preventative measure as well, with daily sessions. He really enjoyed drawing and listening. He would express his thoughts/worries in drawings while listening. This made it possible for him to interact positively with peers and staff. I don’t work at that school any more so don’t have access to data, I’m afraid. In some cases, the data will only be anecdotal records of behaviour anyway. That child was able to handle transition to the primary school with little additional support as a result of a combination of TLP and psychological support.
This is Secret Habour Primary Schools fifth year conducting TLP. For the first four years we had 8 students from Year 2 to Year 7. This meant 32 students were able to benefit from TLP. This year we have been able to accommodate 14 students from Year 1 through to Year 7 and hope that we will be able to increase the numbers each year. Our students are referred by OT’s, parents, teachers and Audiologists. Students who have participated in TLP have been diagnosed with ASD, CAPD, Sensory Issues, Intellectual Delay as well as students undiagnosed who find the school learning environment difficult. At the completion of the program students most commonly display the following improvements – Improved attention span, Modified behaviour, Improved Communication Skills, Academic Improvement, Improved Social Skills and interaction with others. Generally happier children
Heidi and Michele
Secret Harbour Primary School
HARRISON – 6 years
Harrison began the program in March this year, after more than two months of preparatory listening, the main goal of which was to get him to tolerate the headphones. (He began with a couple of minutes of ”listening” with the headphones on his pillows just before he fell asleep at night, and then in the mornings, when he first woke up.) He has been listening twice a day for approx 4 months now.
Harrison had a break from support sessions with me from March until July (4 months), during which time his parents have continued the program, overcoming some setbacks and time-outs through sickness, trips away etc. The only adverse effect from the program was an immediate reaction to beginning the Speech and Language Modules. (Harrison wet his pants for a couple of days – very much out of the ordinary for him.)
I have seen Harrison twice now since resuming support sessions, and am amazed with his progress over all aspects of his development. The most noticeable differences are in his language – both receptive and expressive – and his behaviour. He has been consistently calmer, more grounded, and generally happier.
He has been able to listen and follow simple directions, almost immediately, whereas he had previously always needed extra time to process, especially without a visual prompt. I have found myself using less and less visual prompts (PCS) with him now.
It is so great to hear Harrison speaking in phrases and simple sentences. I am still amazed every time I hear him. (I’m sure that he is using more modulation in tone as well. He tended to speak in a slight monotone.) One big difference in the last two sessions is that he is now telling me what he wants, and saying “No” when he doesn’t want to do something – he is now using speech to take control of his environment! As a result, Mum reports that meltdowns are much less frequent or extreme at home.
He is also commenting, and asking questions, rather than using only functional speech. He recently (spontaneously) asked his father “Do you need help Dad?”
Through working with him in the Multi-Sensory Room, I can definitely say that over the last two sessions Harrison has demonstrated that he is now able to follow (single step) directions and answer questions in the presence of visual, auditory and tactile stimulus. He is now calmer and able to be still and focused more, and for longer periods each time.
I have also seen definite evidence of improved motor planning. Harrison has always had well developed gross motor skills, but has typically coupled them with almost no impulse control and no concept of danger. He is still a dare devil, but is demonstrating less impulsivity and is now climbing, jumping, swinging and crashing with more control.
(Harrison’s father was stoked by his developing skills in driving the four wheeler around their farm. He told me on his first visit back how only a couple of months ago, Harrison was only able to steer straight ahead, with him having to turn the wheel to navigate around obstacles. Now, Harrison is able to drive forward, reverse, and turn to go round corners, and can slalom around and between obstacles!)
He is also noticing more in the studio environment, and is showing risk taking behaviours, in the form of “having a go” and trying new things, rather than seeking out and needing to engage in his “routine” activities each session.
Harrison is due to begin more Sensory Integration modules next week. I’m expecting him to be even calmer, happier and more organised once he begins the next phase of the program.
The following notes are from Lynette and Ashley, Harrison’s parents:
* Harrison language is constantly evolving. Before the program he was saying only 1 or 2 word sentences but now he is saying 5-6 word sentences.
* His sleeping pattern has improved dramatically. After the program he is much calmer and often goes straight to sleep after listening to the program. Before we had a lot of trouble getting Harrison to sleep.
* Harrison understands a lot more and is more engaged. He has better eye contact and over all seems a lot calmer and happy
*He now enjoys listening to the program and every night asks to listen to the program
Kerri Rosenthal Early Intervention Consultant
Occupational Therapist
From a parent of twin ASD children for whom I prescribed TLP “Having 6 yr old twins diagnosed with ASD, I had tried various therapies to help my children increase their listening and concentration at school, and improve Sensory Integration, we was encouraged to try The Listening Programme by our Occupational Therapist. She had suggested it would assist in the Sensory Integration difficulties and help tune in the children to listening.
Within a few weeks of commencing the programme, my children’s teachers were commenting on an improvement in their attention at school. At home and at school we were noticing increased speech and language. They were more focused and becoming better organized in their sensory motor control. They love the music and call it ‘their Tinkerbelle Music’. They are keen to do their listening every day during the week and often I have heard them humming some of the music during the weekends. We are so pleased we were shown this programme and that it could be prescribed by their OT and provided through their funding. Thank you
Prue Watson
Occupational Therapist
BS MPH DRCOG Provider No. 0104328Y
To Whom It May Concern
I am a General Practitioner with, for the last 20 years, a special interest in children with Neurodevelopmental Delays (NOD). Over one-third of all my patients have Autism and Asperger’s Disorder (ASD), and about half of all my patients have Speech and Language Impairments (SLI), ADHD, Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD) and other NODs. All of these patients have underlying Auditory Processing Disorders (APD).
As part of my treatments I have been using a range of sound therapies to improve APDand SLI. I am a trained provider for The Listening Program and have used it successfully in all of the above conditions.
Improvements obtained with The Listening Program in my clinic:
In my Autistic children, teenagers and adults, I initially see significant improvement in Receptive Language. This is most often followed by improvements in Expressive Language, with the range being from a few words to full fluency. All of my ASD patients have, as a result of using The Listening Program, improved in their frustration and anger levels and in their socialisation and communication abilities. Often we also see improvements in motor ability and visual perceptual skills. In my other NOD patients I see significant clinical improvements in the areas of language, behaviour, concentration, socialisation, ability to sit still, gross and fine motor skills, visual perception, reading and spelling abilities and other academic performance. For those who can do the APD tests; I see improvements in their Auditory Processing (AP), with most of them ending up with normal AP. This is even the case in the most severe APD patients.
Neuroplasticity: Our current knowledge of the neuroplasticity of the brain and of the role of targeted stimulation in causing neuro-plastic change in specific areas of the brain explains why The Listening Program is effective. Not only does it target every area of Auditory Processing, but the stimulation also impacts the visual and motor centres within the brain.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Marilyn Dyson
Clinical Audiologist
Salute Hearing Health and Harmony,
Audiology, Occupational Therapy,
Postural Therapy Services
I am writing this letter as a Doctor of Audiology and someone who has been working in the field of auditory processing disorders for more than 30 years. Over these years I have evaluated many
patients with auditory processing disorder, Autism, P.D.D. NOS, language delays and various developmental deficits. Since the first release of the Listening Program with Bone Conduction I have used this exclusively for my patients who suffer from Autism.
The Listening Program with Bone Conduction offers the patient the ability to have vibrations enter their body through both air and bone conduction. The vibrations are very carefully selected classical music pieces that have been filtered and modified to help the brain to stimulate neurological pathways that need strengthening and modification in order to be more effective.
The program is non-invasive and carries little to no risk to the patient. The benefits are substantial. The patients I have had in my practice who have using the TLP Bone Conduction and followed protocol have all made progress. The progress that was made were in areas of “eye contact, increased language both receptive and expressive, improved mood, decreased aggression/behavior problems”. The most important part of this progress is that it lasts. The reason it lasts is because the program is re-wiring the brain. Once the brain is wired to a skill it cannot lose that skill unless there is some kind of physical or neurological injury or insult to the brain. Therefore the gains made by all my patients have been life long gains. There is not regression of skills over time.
I believe as a clinician that The Listening Program with Bone Conduction is medically necessary as a tool to help improve the lives of children and adults with autism.
If you have any questions or which to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dr. Lorraine Sgarlato, CCCA-AuD
Hi Tracey,
I have attached some pre and post testing for a student who is ASD and doing TLP had a significant impact on his ability to focus in the classroom and not be as fixated on asking the same question over and over. Some anecdotal notes:
2 had severe motor dyspraxia. His parents purchased TlP and he is now completing his 4th round. After the first round he learned to ride a bike (at 10 years old). After subsequent rounds the observable changes in him included; his handwriting improved, his spatial awareness on the page improved, he began to look people in the eye when he answered questions, he began initiating greetings and was able to continue a conversation instead of giving yes/no answers, he stopped stuttering at the start of a sentence, his speech became clearer – I have no “hard evidence” for any of this – but teachers and parents all commented on the changes. He is now in Year 7 and doing remarkably well. His parents are over the moon!
Ed.D., CCC-AlSLP, FAAA CertifiedlLicensed Audiologist Certified/Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist Specializing in Auditory Processing
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing a letter in support of Disability Care Australia paying for The Listening Program training for children with autism and auditory hypersensitivity problems (who may have auditory processing disorders but not necessarily have autism) in Australia. I have had nearly 10 years of experience with this program as a professional working with children with auditory processing disorders (APD) as well as children with autism and in conducting research on the impact of The Listening Program training on students in school with a wide variety of disabilities.
From my research experiences, I have found that students who have primary emotional problems and related learning problems benefit greatly from undergoing listening program training. The emotional problems are reduced and changes in their central nervous systems may occur which lead to reductions in negative emotional reactions during listening tasks. The outcomes result in these students leading better lives and showing improvements in learning and functioning in school and in life, in general. Among these students have been many diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or ASD. These students have also demonstrated improvements in overall listening and hearing as well as reduced negative emotional reactions and social interactions benefits so that these children with ASD are more social and more communicative and, thus, better able to function in school and in life, in general.
Other experiences I have had have been with many children who (well over hundreds of them) whom I have seen with auditory processing difficulties both children diagnosed with ASD and others identified with just central hearing losses/disorders of auditory perception. These children often show signs of auditory hypersensitivity which is reduced after the children undergo The Listening Program training.
When we consider the alternative to a program like The Listening Program, the alternative is to either let these children live the remainder of their lives fearing listening, having severe negative emotional reactions, and not being able to listen and hear what is going on in their worlds. In contrast, after undergoing The Listening Program, they are able to function more successfully. The cost for a
program like The Listening Program is a small amount compared with the life- long costs of medication, psychotherapy, emotional treatments, behavioral treatments, and other medically related treatments for these children.
Dr. JayR. Lucker, Ed.D., CCC-AlSLP, FAAA
Associate Professor & Research Professor
Dept. of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Howard University Washington, DC
Also; Private Practice Specializing in Auditory Processing Disorders
and Language Processing Disorders Washington, DC Metro Area
MA Connections 4 Learning
We have been using The Listening Program with children who are on the Autism Spectrum for over 10 years. We have chosen this method to invigorate both sides of the brain as it is affordable, convenient, and efficacious. Many therapies require children to step out of their comfort zone and interact with others using speech and body movement. However, many of our children are unable to cross that hurdle in order to change how they relate with the world around them. The Listening Program easily fits in a student backpack and uses headphones to deliver sensory information to the two lobes of the brain. Beyond the wearing of a headset, there is little compliance required of the children.
After the 20 week initial program, children are more inclined to interact verbally and physically with their environment and other therapies can now commence. Because the left lobe ofthe brain is so important for speech, we have seen that listening to the music often encourages spontaneous conversations and an increased awareness of what others around them are saying .
Stephanie Garwood, MA Connections 4 Learning
Millennium Learning Advantage
I have been using The Listening Program with my autistic clients for a number of years and still find it amazing when I see the changes that can be made with something as simple as music.
This program is an absolute essential in the treatment of autism.
I have recently worked with a non-verbal 6 year old autistic boy, who, within 4 to 5 weeks of starting his daily listening using bone conduction came into my office and said” hello” very nicely. He responded to questions and said “Thank you” at the end of our session. His mother was in tears as before starting the program his only form of communication was to scream and shriek when he wanted something.
Every autistic child that we have worked with has shown huge gains in expressive language, spontaneous conversation, self regulation and social skills.
It is my opinion, based on the results that I have personally witnessed, that “The Listening Program” should be the first program used in helping autistic individuals to lead as normal a life as possible.
Thanks for creating such an amazing program.
Gillian Liebrandt
Director , Millennium Learning Advantage
