Toys & Clothing for Sensitive Children


It Makes Sense:

is the Australian distributor of:

  • SmartKnitKIDS seamless sensitivity socks and undies;

  • SmartKnit AFO socks for kids;

  • the Knot Genie (a great product for sensitive scalps); and and
    a beautiful book called ‘l’ll tell you why I can’t wear those clothes’

Undercover Tape

Michele and I invented a product called Undercover Tape. This comfort tape helps many children feel good both inside and outside. Many children with Autism and SPD benefit from our product as well. It’s like a bandaid for your clothes. Please visit our website at to see more information on Undercover Tape. Out of 10,000 applicants, we won the Kimberly Clark Mom Inspired Huggies Grant last year.

Frilled to Bits

My name is Cathie and I first stumbled into the world of Autism when I created a simple little product that I like to call A-Maze! A fabric maze which contains a bead that children can navigate around the sewn track, I thought it was a nifty idea for car trips & to help with Fine Motor Skills. But my first customer had a better idea – she was the mother of a child with Asperger Syndrome. Since then I have worked closely with many parents & their children researching & creating other Sensory Products such as Sensory Body Socks, Weighted Blankets & various other weighted products.

In addition to Sensory Products, I also make childrens clothing, I’m often called on to create custom clothing for children with sensory issues or aversions to mainstream clothing.

I enjoy spreading Autism Awareness & I love taking my products out & about in the Adelaide Market Scene & meeting so many wonderful customers.